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Mi goreng instant noodles 80g - Indomie


Boil the noodles for 3 minutes in water. Drain the noodles. Empty the contents of the seasoning into the pan on medium heat. Put the noodles in the pan and fry quickly for 1-2 minutes, covering the noodles evenly. At the end, you can fry an egg (softer) and put it on top.

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Ingrediente: taitei 83,7%: jder de grâu 67%, ulei de palmier rafinat (conține TBHQ antioxidant), sare, regulatori de aciditate E452, E501, E500, îngroșător E412, colorant E101. Pudră de condimente 4,6%: zahăr, sare, amelioratori de aromă: E621, E631, E627, usturoi, aromă (conține soia), ceapă, culoare E150a, agent anti-aglomerare E551 (nano). Ulei de condimente 6,9%: ulei de palmier rafinat (conține TBHQ antioxidant), șalotă. Sos de soia dulce 4,5%: zahăr, apă, sare, soia, grâu, condimente, ulei de susan. Pudră de ardei iute 0,3%.

Additional information

Weight 80 g