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Instant noodles with vegetables 75g - Indomie


Boil the noodles for 3 minutes in water. Drain the noodles. Empty the contents of the seasoning into the pan on medium heat. Put the noodles in the pan and fry quickly for 1-2 minutes, covering the noodles evenly. At the end, you can fry an egg (softer) and put it on top.

6 in stock


Ingrediente: Taitei: faina de grau (70%), ulei de palmier rafinat (contine antioxidant E319), sare, regulatori de aciditate (E452(I), E501(I), E500(I)), agent de ingrosare (E412), colorant (E101(I) ).

Pudră de condimente: sare, potențiatori de aromă (E621, E627, E631), zahăr, extract de drojdie, piper, aromă artificială (1,9%), pudră de usturoi, praz, pudră de ceapă, regulator de aciditate (E330), aromă de lămâie, ulei de condimente : Ulei de palmier rafinat (conține antioxidant E319, ceapă, usturoi, iarbă de lămâie, galanga, frunze de dafin, frunze de tei, turmeric, ghimbir, nuci de copac), pudră de ardei iute.

Additional information

Weight 75 g